Ownership of the site and its contents
- Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione Cardiovascolare (hereafter, for brevity, also: “Fondazione”) owns the site, which it directly updates and manages through its staff “Segreteria R.I.C.”
- The documentation, images, fonts, artwork, graphics, software, and other content of the site, and all online codes and forms to implement the site, are either the property of the Fondazione or the right of exclusive use by the Fondazione.
- The material on the Fondazione’s website is protected by copyright. To be more precise, the Fondazione has created photographs, video and documentary images or descriptive texts for inclusion on its website or social channels that must be considered creative works and is, therefore, to be considered an “author” within the meaning and effect of Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941, as amended by Decree-Law No. 207 of December 30, 2008, converted into law, with amendments, by Conversion Law No. 14 of February 27, 2009 (“Protezione del diritto d’autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio”). As the author, the Fondazione has the exclusive right to economic exploitation of the work, reproduction, modification, transcription, adaptation, as well as the assignment to third parties of the right to use the originals, copies, or media of works, including through rental or lending.
The same applies to what concerns the composition of products, trademarks and other distinctive signs (e.g.: logos), appellations of origin, designs and models, inventions, utility models, confidential business information and new plant varieties on which the Fondazione enjoys industrial property rights pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree No. 10 February 2005, no. 30 – “Codice della proprietà industriale, pursuant to Article 15 of Law No. 273 of December 12, 2002″, published in the Official Gazette No. 52 of March 4, 2005 – Ordinary Supplement No. 28, having registration due under the law.
- Use of the site may be purely personal and non-commercial, except in cases specifically authorized in advance in writing by the Fondazione.
- It is, therefore, forbidden to copy, modify, upload, download, transmit, publish, or distribute to third parties the content or trademarks of the site for commercial purposes or for purposes that may harm the image of the Fondazione.
- The user, for purely professional or personal purposes and never for commercial purposes, has the right to download texts or other contents of the site and to disseminate them by web or print, provided that in doing so the source of the same is explicitly and clearly indicated.
- May also be downloaded, for personal or professional purposes and never of a commercial nature, banners and logos placed in the predefined “download” sections on the site, except where there is a different indication clearly expressed in correspondence with the content in question.
- Unauthorized reproduction of the Fondazione’s institutional banner and logo on websites is subject to legal action by the Fondazione, which constantly monitors the web for unauthorized uses of its logo.
The purpose of the site is to disseminate information, reports and updates on initiatives undertaken and projects planned and to be organized in the future by the Fondazione in Italy and around the world, aimed at promoting science in the medical-scientific field and, in particular, cancer prevention and treatment. With this institutional purpose, the Fondazione’s main objective is to protect the exercise of a fundamental human right, consisting of the freedom to pursue knowledge and progress, but also to foster the development of better living conditions for all. Its commitment is embodied in:
- support of scientific research, through the provision of research grants for doctors and researchers and the funding of high-profile projects
- scientific divulgation, so that the results and discoveries of science become the heritage of all, through major conferences with international speakers, projects for schools, awareness campaigns and publications
- cooperation with other organizations or societies, in order to disseminate its goals, solicit and increase public attention and information on these goals through media, educational programs
- carrying out all such activities and operations as are necessary or incidental to the achievement of the Fondazione’s research purposes, including the collection and acceptance of contributions and donations intended for research.
Among others, the purpose of the website is to raise funds aimed at financing institutional activities to which individuals and companies can join through donations or adherence to our projects promoted around the world, even if only through actions sharing the Fondazione’s mission (e.g.: adherence to projects or dissemination initiatives). Moreover, the same Legislative Decree July 03, 2017, No. 117 – Codice del Terzo settore, pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 2, letter b), of Law June 6, 2016, No. 106, which, in Article 7, paragraph 1, defines fundraising as “the set of activities and initiatives put in place by a Third Sector entity in order to finance its activities of general interest, including through the request to third parties of bequests, donations and contributions of a non-requirement nature” and in Article. 7, paragraph 2, expressly states that “Third sector entities, may carry out fundraising activities also in an organized and continuous form, including through solicitation to the public or through the sale or provision of goods or services of modest value, employing their own resources and those of third parties, including volunteers and employees, in compliance with the principles of truth, transparency and fairness in relations with supporters and the public […].”
1. The site may occasionally propose access links to sites of other entities, organizations or companies: the Fondazione cannot be held responsible for their availability, content, products and services offered, nor, much less, for any damages or losses incurred as a result of their use. It is not, moreover, responsible for the manner and purpose of the collection and processing of personal data by such third parties.
2. The Fondazione will execute its best efforts to constantly maintain the delivery of the service, but cannot be held liable for any damages, loss of data, information, or other harm due to delay, inaccurate or failure to retrieve information, restriction or loss of access, difficulties or problems of any kind, errors, unauthorized use while accessing the site and its services or other forms of interaction in the service. The Fondazione does not guarantee and is not responsible that:
- the services provided through the site meet the specific requests and needs of the user;
- the services provided through the site are carried out without interruption, that they are timely, secure and error-free;
- the information and results obtained from the use of the services are always accurate and reliable;
- any defects in the software managing the site services can be eliminated.
3. The Fondazione disclaims any responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccessibility to the services of the site or any damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, interruptions of service, deletions of content, problems related to the network, providers or telephone and/or telematic connections, unauthorized access, alteration of data, failure and/or malfunction of the user’s own electronic equipment.
4. The user acknowledges that the Fondazione is not to be held responsible about untrue information sent directly by the user (example: correctness of e-mail address or telephone numbers or postal addresses or other information of a personal or non-personal nature), as well as information about them that was provided by a third party, even fraudulently.
5. The Fondazione wishes to emphasize and clarify that the contents of the site represent information and advice of a general nature and are not intended to provide personalized clinical advice or to replace the fundamental role of the medical professional or specialist. Therefore, what is displayed on the site serves only as general guidance-which may not be suitable for the totality of users-and does not purport to be personalized consultation and advice based on the various health and wellness cases of the individual person. Texts and documents of an informational nature on the website (or in the Fondazione’s social channels) that give indications (directly or indirectly) to medical practices or treatments for oncological conditions (on a preventive or therapeutic level) should not be taken as specific remedies for the user. Therefore, the Fondazione reiterates its invitation to users to contact their medical practitioner or specialist to expose and resolve their health problems.
6. It should be noted that, by their nature, the interactive and immediate tools for the exchange of opinions and content in general that the site may make available, are difficult to mediate and to control in advance: the Fondazione informs that it is its precise duty to supervise the correct use of these tools and, in particular, of what is shared through social channels, through constant and precise mediation, in order to avoid the entry of illicit content: it therefore reserves, in its sole discretion, the right to edit or not publish or modify them after they have been entered by the user and also to inhibit access to users and cancel, where applicable, the registration of anyone at any time and for any legitimate reason, without prior notice, as well as to inform, where appropriate, the Competent Authorities if it verifies the illegality of the content posted or the illegality of the users’ behavior.
7. Under no circumstances will Fondazione be held responsible for inappropriate, offensive or indecent content and for errors or omissions, transmitted or made available through the site. The Fondazione makes every effort to prevent unacceptable content from being posted, but cannot guarantee that this will be done in real time, thus reserving the right to remove, at a later date, any type of content, at its own discretion.
8. The user acknowledges that the Fondazione has the right to collect and store personal data released by using the services available on the site, and to communicate them to the Competent Authorities, especially where unlawful conduct is found that may be a criminal offence:
- for the needs of justice;
- to defend against actions by third parties;
- for the protection of one’s own rights and safety, those of users and the general public. Any violation, even if only presumed, of these conditions of use, or any violation, even if only presumed, of the rights of third parties and/or legal regulations in force in our system will result in the suspension or interruption of the services.
9. The Fondazione reserves, at its discretion, the right to:
- change these terms of use: users will be notified by an announcement posted on this site. The use of the services after the entry into force of these changes implies full acceptance of these changes. Users may check the current text of the conditions of use at any time by accessing the link “conditions of use of the site”
- check and delete material submitted to the site
- discontinue the availability of the site at any time and without notice.
- The user’s acquisition of any materials downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the site, where permitted, will be done at the user’s own choice and risk. Therefore, any liability for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from the downloading of materials rests with the user and cannot be imputed to the Fondazione.
- The user agrees to assume all risk inherent in the use of any type of content.
- The user is responsible for the preservation and secrecy of data of a personal nature that have been issued in the course of using the services made available by the site. In particular, the user is responsible for the login credentials created for registration to the site and the subsequent access and modification of his profile. The user is, therefore, responsible for the correct use and preservation of access credentials and holds, as of now, indemnified the Fondazione against any loss or abuse by third parties of said credentials and any identity theft that may result. The Fondazione cannot be held responsible for statements or actions performed through the site by unauthorized third parties who have had access credentials legitimately credited to the registered user only. The user undertakes to promptly notify the Fondazione at the e-mail address segreteria@fondazioneric.org of any unauthorized use of their personal data or any other breach of security of which they becomes aware.
- The site allows users, depending on certain services provided through the site or through its social channels, to send or upload their own content, in text, photographic, video format. For this purpose, it is specified that users recognize their exclusive responsibility for the contents sent, exempting and holding the Foundation harmless from any liability and any prejudicial effect connected to actions, including legal ones, initiated by anyone, claims for reimbursement of any expenses and claims for compensation for any damage, direct or indirect, suffered as a result of sending content. The user declares and guarantees that they have legitimately acquired the content and, by sending it, expressly authorizes its publication, assuming all responsibility for it, holding the Fondazione harmless from any grievance complained of by any third party with respect to said content and its use.
- By accessing and using the services made available by the site, the user agrees to strictly abide by the following rules of conduct:
- not to make communications that cause damage or disruption to the network or third-party users or that violate applicable laws and regulations
- not to place on the network material or communications with potentially offensive content or that cause harm to the harmonious development of the personality of the minor, to respect the principles governing public order and social security, avoiding the dissemination of messages, images or other material that may incite the commission of crimes, the use of violence or violent acts, any form of participation or collaboration in illegal activities
- not to disseminate anything detrimental to decorum, human dignity, or that has pornographic content or content contrary to decency or that promotes prostitution or child pornography
- not to place on the network, through the blog, material in violation of copyright law, or other intellectual or industrial property rights; in particular, pirated software, music files, images, videos, copyrighted texts
- do not use disrespectful language, much less foul terms and avoid flame (not insulting)
- not to post pornographic and sexually oriented material and otherwise obscene in nature
- not to post material that is offensive or defamatory to anyone, including expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, irreverence or threats
- not to post material that contains one’s own or a third party’s judicial data
- not to post material that promotes or provides information that instructs illegal activities or is otherwise related to them in any way or that may cause harm to third parties
- not to upload software, information or other material containing viruses or harmful components
- not to enter material containing gambling-related initiatives, contests, games that require participation for a fee
- not to post material unsuitable for minors under 18 (eighteen) years of age
- not to enter material containing advertising or sponsorship, even for a fee
- not to enter material or activities that, in general, violate or induce to violate any provision of law or regulation placed for the protection even only of private individuals or a provision legitimately issued by the Public Authority
- not to enter material depicting minors without the express authorization of the parent(s) or exercising parental authority over the minor(s)
- not to enter material that portrays third parties who have not given their consent to the publication of their images in the blog
- not to include material that contains data related to the health, political or religious views, racial origins, or sexual habits of third parties.
If users join social networking groups created by the Fondazione, they should keep in mind that social networks are online social networking services aimed at communities of individuals who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. These are services that, for the most part, are operated through the Web and offer various ways for users to interact with each other. If you intend to participate in them, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- When you enter your personal data, you lose control over it. The data can be recorded by all contacts and members of groups you have joined, reprocessed, disseminated, even years later.
- Sometimes, by agreeing to join a social network, you grant, to the company operating the service, a license to use without time limit the material you enter online (photos, chats, writings, thoughts).
- Most social networking sites are based abroad, and so are their servers. In the event of a legal dispute or problems arising from privacy violations, you are not always protected by Italian and European laws.
- If you decide to leave a social networking site, you are often only allowed to “deactivate” your profile, not “delete” it. The data, the materials that have been entered online may still be stored in the servers, in the computer archives of the company offering the service. Read carefully what the terms of use and privacy guarantees offered in the contract you accept when you sign up.
- One should think carefully before entering one’s data online if one does not want it to be disseminated or may be used to one’s detriment. It is good to report any violations to the “Garante della privacy” (Italian authority) so that they can intervene to protect you.
- When posting photos of a third party or “tagging” them, first ask yourself whether you are violating the privacy of others. If in doubt first seek the third party’s consent.
- Beware of fake profiles. All it takes is a photo, name and some information about a person’s life to seize his or her identity online.
- Beware of information made available online. The date and place of birth are sufficient to derive the social security number (codice fiscale in Italy). Other information might help to trace the bank or postal account or the user name and password.
- Use log-ins and passwords other than the credentials set for accessing other sites, managing e-mail, home banking, and the like. Change passwords frequently. All opinions and statements expressed in the social channels are attributable to the user who entered them and are not necessarily shared by the Fondazione: therefore, the user assumes any responsibility for what is stated, posted and exchanged in the social pages of the Fondazione, exonerating the latter from any liability that may arise from this to third parties. Where such content is detrimental to the image of the Fondazione, the latter reserves the right to use it to defend its rights in court, retaliating, if necessary, against the user who disseminated it.
By accessing this site the user and The Fondazione RIC agree that the laws and regulations of the Italian state will apply to all matters relating to the use of the website.
The user and The Fondazione RIC further agree to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Court of Milan for the above matters.
By accessing this website and using the tools made available therein, the user implicitly accepts the terms and conditions stated herein.